How to improve your Dog's immune system?
Millions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other health threats attack the pets’ body every second. Strong immunity in dogs, just like in humans, is on guard around the clock - protective cells destroy dangerous microorganisms before they can cause harm. But what if the health guards are tired?
How to strengthen your pet's immunity in a safe way?
How to strengthen your pet's immunity in a safe way?

Immunity is recognized as innate (or natural) and acquired (or artificial).
If a dog has suffered a viral infection and has developed immunity to this virus, they speak of acquired immunity. Viruses can be very insidious and dangerous( 2020 taught us well ): some can kill, others cause irreparable harm to health. Fortunately, today it is not difficult to fight viruses, you just need to vaccinate your dog regularly. This is the only available way to raise artificial immunity. A vaccinated dog has an increased resistance to the diseases it is vaccinated against - enough to avoid the fear of viral infections.
If a dog has suffered a viral infection and has developed immunity to this virus, they speak of acquired immunity. Viruses can be very insidious and dangerous( 2020 taught us well ): some can kill, others cause irreparable harm to health. Fortunately, today it is not difficult to fight viruses, you just need to vaccinate your dog regularly. This is the only available way to raise artificial immunity. A vaccinated dog has an increased resistance to the diseases it is vaccinated against - enough to avoid the fear of viral infections.
But with innate immunity, everything is more complicated. It is influenced by a lot of factors - lack of vitamins, malnutrition and conditions of detention, heredity, emotional state, chronic ailments, trauma, ecology and much more.
Parasites have a negative effect on resistance:
Helminths very quickly undermine the immune system, releasing toxins and literally poisoning the pet from the inside;
Fleas and other bloodsuckers violate the integrity of the skin, which, coupled with scratching, leads to bacterial infections;
After a mite that lives on the skin (scabies, otodectosis) or under the skin (demodicosis), even a vaccinated dog can become susceptible to viruses, so these parasites kill the immune system. Allergy is possible to any parasite - "failure" of immunity, accompanied by chronic symptoms. Allergy, being an immune disease, in itself further undermines the immune system.
Immunity improvement in dogs is necessary after an illness, surgery, stress, exhaustion, or taking medications (antibiotics or toxic drugs).
There are several methods of improving immune system, but they work only with an integrated approach to treatment. Therefore, you do not have to choose - you need to act on all fronts.
1. Prevention, getting rid of parasites.
This is the lifelong responsibility of every dog breeder. Drops on the withers from blood-sucking reptiles once a month, a tablet from helminths every 4-6 months. Choose quality products (cheap insecticides are toxic).
1. Prevention, getting rid of parasites.
This is the lifelong responsibility of every dog breeder. Drops on the withers from blood-sucking reptiles once a month, a tablet from helminths every 4-6 months. Choose quality products (cheap insecticides are toxic).
2. Balanced feeding.
Bowel problems are always inevitable immune problems. If the pet eats natural food, the menu should include fruits and vegetables, several sources of protein (sea fish, meat, by-products of different varieties), sour milk, carbohydrates, vegetable fats (a veterinarian or breeder will help to make the right menu). Vitamins and supplements are added to natural nutrition on the recommendation of a doctor. Nothing needs to be added to commercial feed. Of course, the feed must be of high quality, without artificial additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, and colorants.
Bowel problems are always inevitable immune problems. If the pet eats natural food, the menu should include fruits and vegetables, several sources of protein (sea fish, meat, by-products of different varieties), sour milk, carbohydrates, vegetable fats (a veterinarian or breeder will help to make the right menu). Vitamins and supplements are added to natural nutrition on the recommendation of a doctor. Nothing needs to be added to commercial feed. Of course, the feed must be of high quality, without artificial additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, and colorants.
Almost all pet nutrition advertised on TV is in the lower category (even those labeled "premium" or «extra premium"). They are made literally from garbage - vegetable pulp, grain husks, bones, hooves, skins and feathers. Remember that if your dog is not eating properly, it will be very difficult to maintain its immunity at the proper level.
3. Long walks help to increase immunity.
The dog needs fresh air as much as people. Of course, you cannot overload your pet during the recovery period after a serious illness. In this case, be sure to ask your veterinarian which walking schedule is preferable. If the dog is physically healthy, alternate walking and sports daily. Try to get out into nature more often. Walk in the rain and frost, not limited to five minutes on the toilet - this way you will strengthen not only your pet's immunity, but also your own.
The dog needs fresh air as much as people. Of course, you cannot overload your pet during the recovery period after a serious illness. In this case, be sure to ask your veterinarian which walking schedule is preferable. If the dog is physically healthy, alternate walking and sports daily. Try to get out into nature more often. Walk in the rain and frost, not limited to five minutes on the toilet - this way you will strengthen not only your pet's immunity, but also your own.
4. Do not smoke in the presence of your dog, especially if it suffers from allergies, respiratory or cardiovascular diseases.
Owners rarely think about it, but pets inevitably become passive smokers, resting at the feet of smoking people. And tobacco smoke is one of the main enemies of immunity.
Owners rarely think about it, but pets inevitably become passive smokers, resting at the feet of smoking people. And tobacco smoke is one of the main enemies of immunity.
5. Avoid stressful situations. As much as possible.
If this is not possible, smooth the corners as much as possible (afraid of large dogs - invite a dog handler or breeder for a consultation, panics at the sight of a veterinarian - use sedatives or introduce the dog to the doctor better). Hormonal stress also destroys the immune system, so it is important to rid the pet of sexual experiences (regular mating under the supervision of the breeder or sterilization).
If this is not possible, smooth the corners as much as possible (afraid of large dogs - invite a dog handler or breeder for a consultation, panics at the sight of a veterinarian - use sedatives or introduce the dog to the doctor better). Hormonal stress also destroys the immune system, so it is important to rid the pet of sexual experiences (regular mating under the supervision of the breeder or sterilization).

In general, nothing unusual - everything that is harmful to our human immunity is harmful to the dog's immunity. And you can raise your pet's immunity in the same ways that we strengthen our own immunity after an illness or in the off-season for the purpose of prevention.