All you need to know about Vitamins for Dogs

Daily supplements are needed not only for humans but also for pets. After all, they also suffer from adverse environmental factors, stress and need constant support of vital forces. Often owners neglect this need, and this causes deterioration of the pet's health and is the reason for frequent visits to the vet.

Essential vitamins
Even if you are feeding your pet a balanced dry dog ​​food, you should know that this may not be enough for the growing body of a young dog or an adult dog that is actively moving daily during walks.

As a rule, vets prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes to dogs that meet all the needs of the dog. But before we decide to take vitamins, let's discuss the role of the most important in the dog's diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin is needed for good vision and a strong immune system.
Vitamin A, also known as retinol, improves the condition of a dog's skin, has a good effect on bones and improves reproductive function. This vitamin is found in carrots and sea fish.

If carotene from carrots is not absorbed by the dog's body, then dog fish are often disliked by dog owners because of the large number of bones. Therefore, the best solution here is the introduction of vitamin A in the diet of oil-based or regular fish oil.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is responsible for the level of immunity and regulates the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the dog's body. In case of deficiency, puppies can develop rickets at an early age, and adult dogs suffer from osteoporosis. Vitamin D is found in fish oil, hard and sour milk cheeses.

It is also produced in the dog's body under the influence of sunlight. But with them you should be careful in hot weather, as the dog can get sunstroke.

Essential for strengthening the bones and muscles of the dog.

B-group of vitamis
Without these vitamins, normal metabolism would be impossible. Their presence in the body in sufficient quantities has a beneficial effect on the renewal of blood and other cells.

Most B vitamins are found in raw meat. But not every owner is willing to feed raw meat to a pet because of the risk of infecting the animal with parasites.

Vitamins of this group are produced on the basis of brewer's yeast, which is recommended to enter into the dog's diet. In the process of growth, puppies need folic acid, also known as vitamin B 9. It can be obtained from cereals, vegetables and cheese. But if for some reason the dog is deficient in nutrients from food, they must be given in the form of vitamins.

Usually B vitamins are produced in a whole complex and one tablet can provide a daily requirement for these substances.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B, or thiamine, is needed for high energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6

Your dog also needs vitamin B6 for healthy blood, nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 affects enzyme function.

Vitamin PP

Lack of vitamin leads to pellagra, dermatitis, cracks and spots on the skin.
This vitamin is called nicotinic acid and in its deficiency in dogs begin problems with the appearance of wool and develop dermatitis. Also, its deficiency can lead to CNS diseases and diarrhea. If you do not eliminate its deficiency in time, it will lead to depletion of the dog's body.

How to understand which vitamins are lacking in a dog?

1. If the dog chews on the ground, bricks or plaster, then it lacks calcium.
2. Loss of appetite, lethargy, increased fatigue - little vitamin C.
3. Chews on shoes, slippers or dirty socks - lack of vitamin B.
4. Development of anemia, eating feces - lack of vitamin B.
5. Tousled, dry hair, clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes or watery eyes - lack of vitamin A.
6. Curvature of the forearm bones (uneven gait) - lack of vitamin D.